Introducing the Official Beer-Aid Companion App:

App Logo

What does it do?

Do you remember all of those films from the '80s, with a kid and his robot buddy, or a cop and his robot buddy? If you do, we can safely say, without any hyperbola, that our new app is exactly like those films! With your new computerised buddy, you're never drinking on your own again.

Be amazed as you click on pictures, hit random buttons, and read text! Isn't it time that you finally felt you were living in the future? Download it today.

Current State:

After that introduction I bet you're just dying to download and try out our new app. Not so fast there champ. There are a couple of things you need to know first.

One is that the app is still currently in testing, and there is a slight chance that it won't live completely up to the robot side-kick experience just yet. To be more technical, the software is currently in alpha, and as such doesn't cover as wide a geographical region as the final product will.

It also means that the software will need to be sideloaded; the method for this will depend on your particular device and operating system. Android and Windows Phone 8 versions are located below; an iOS version will be released in the near future.

The Masterplan, or why we built it:

We built the Companion App in order to increase recognition of the organisation, and help bring about our ultimate aim of world domination peace. We also built it to show off to our friends, and justify how much money the organisation is hemorrhaging, but mainly for the first reason. Our well thought out plans are summed up in the infographic below:

Our Masterplan

Download Now!

If you've read all of the above, and can't wait to download the app in its current state, QR links are provided below.

Android Build:

Android Logo & QR Code

If you unable to use the QR code, or would prefer a normal link, the current Android build can be downloaded here.

Windows Phone 8 Build:

Windows Logo & QR Code

If you unable to use the QR code, or would prefer a normal link, the current Windows build can be downloaded here.